Massachusetts Democratic Party Names Veronica Martinez Executive Director

SOURCE:, 2017-01-19
This page last modified: 2022-03-16 14:16:15 -0700 (PST)

The Massachusetts Democratic Party (MassDems) has named Veronica Martinez as their Executive Director, Chair Gus Bickford announced on Wednesday [2017-01-18].

"In the era of President-Elect Trump and Governor Charlie Baker, I believe the state and national party have to regroup and grow our organization and message from the ground up, working with the grassroots to deliver our message passionately, person to person and door to door. Veronica will bring her keen organizational and management skills to help during this critical time and I couldn't be more excited to have her be part of the team," said Bickford.

Veronica Martinez will work with Chairman Gus Bickford and the Democratic State Committee to support the development of the Democratic Party's 2017 Platform and to contribute to the Party's efforts ahead of the 2018 elections.

"The election of Donald Trump reinforces just how critical our work is. I am looking forward to working alongside Chairman Bickford and the Democratic State Committee to make sure Donald Trump's America is a thing of the past and not our future," said Veronica Martinez.

Veronica Martinez comes to the Massachusetts Democratic Party after working as an aide to CNN senior political analyst and Harvard Kennedy School Professor, David Gergen.

Prior to that Veronica Martinez served as an advance lead for Governor Deval Patrick, and has also built up experience on a number of campaigns including those of Senator Warren and Senator Markey.

Veronica Martinez is a graduate of Wellesley College.

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