The Koch network is reorganizing under a new name [Stand Together] and with new priorities

The Koch network is getting a new name to reflect its shifting strategy

SOURCE:, 2019-05-20

  • COMMENTARY (BuriedTruth).  Don't be fooled! Despite the stated altruistic objectives of "Stand Together," the abhorrent past history of influence and deception by the Koch brothers precautions one to firmly suspect that "Stand Together" is a sophisticated charade, masking sleazy, Machiavellian intentions!

    The Seminar Network, which includes the constellation of groups funded by the billionaire industrialist Charles Koch and around 700 like-minded conservatives and libertarians who contribute at least $100,000 annually [700 * $100,000 = $70,000,000], will now operate as Stand Together. That has been the name of a nonprofit arm that the Koch apparatus created three years ago to support community groups addressing maladies like poverty, addiction, recidivism, gang violence and homelessness. That effort, which has provided grants to 140 organizations, will continue as the Stand Together Foundation. Freedom Partners, an entity that was once used to air campaign commercials, will cease to exist. Americans for Prosperity will now oversee all political and policy efforts. Groups that cater to specific constituencies, like Libre for Latinos or Concerned Veterans for America, have moved under the AFP umbrella. "We live in a period of unprecedented progress -- economic, social, technological -- but not everyone has shared in that progress. While many people have gotten ahead, too many people are falling behind. Our charge is clear: we must stand together to help every person rise," Koch writes in a letter that will go to supporters later today and that was shared first with The Washington Post. "In many ways, this new name already expresses who we are. ... But this new name also marks a new chapter -- and a new call to action."

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